Andrew Tieu is the founder and CEO of Tieu Development Inc., Canada’s growing building and development company.
Mr. Tieu plays a key role in contribution to the success and growth at Tieu Development. Mr. Tieu has 19 years experience with a deep knowledge in sale & marketing, finance industry, real estate investment, lending, insurance, investment businesses, building management and residential development.
He was involved in small and large scale homes and condos construction, accessed to above 24,000 employees who had completed over 715,000 construction homes in Ontario.
Mr. Tieu is an active member of a large development and construction group. He always provides peace of mind, makes the building process a pleasant experience for every client, and always execute every project on time.
Mr. Tieu enjoys spending quality time with his wife, his children and doing volunteer work in local churches. He also participates in many charity events for churches and donates hundreds of thousands to give back to the communities.
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